Films/Events > OFFCIAL SELECTION – INTERNATIONAL > Mountain / Ha’har

Mountain / Ha’har

Mountain / Ha’har
  • 7 Sep. Thu. 17:00 Will Hall
  • Drama
  • Israel, Denmark / 2015 / 83 min.
  • Director : Yaelle Kayam
  • Cast : Shani Klein, Avshalom Pollak
  • Screening Supported by TOKYO FILMeX
  • Award : Don Quixote Award and Grand Prix at the 29th Fribourg International Film Festival, Special Jury Award at the 58th San Francisco International Film Festival
A devout woman is living with her family in the Jewish cemetery on Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives. During the day, while her husband and children are at school, she is left alone in the mountain. She goes for walks in the cemetery, trying to escape the endless house work.
One night, out of frustration, she storms out of the house climbing the cemetery, running wherever her feet will carry her. To her surprise, she is exposed to an unsettling sexual scene. Stirred by this image, she starts exploring this new realm of the mountain, while trying to keep a normal face during her daytime routine. Until she can’t anymore.

AIWFF Office


+81 52 962 2520

Closes on Mondays & National holiday.(Also closes on Tue. when a national holiday falls on Monday)

Aichi International Women's Film Festival Executive Committee Secretariat c/o
Aichi Gender Equality Foundation 1 Kamitatesugino-cho, Higashi-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 461-0016, JAPAN


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