

© 2017 China 3D Digital Entertainment Limited

  • 6 Sep. Wed. 10:00 Will Hall
  • 7 Sep. Thu. 18:30 Midland Square Cinema
  • Drama
  • Hong Kong / 2017 / 111 min.
  • Director : Kearen Pang
  • Cast : Chrissie Chau, Joyce Cheng
  • Distribution : POLYGONMAGIC
  • Award : Audience Award at the 12th Osaka Asia Film Festival, Best Director of a Foreign Language Film at Nice International Film Festival in 2017
This is a story in 2005.
Yeuk-Kwan (Chrissie Chau) is a typical city girl born and raised in Hong Kong. She is a month from turning 30, and has just begun to cope with the same struggles shared by most girls of the same age: the almost unbearable stress at work, her aging but annoying parents, and her seemingly stable yet stagnant relationship.
All of these only add to her fear for this next chapter of her life.
Wong Tin-Lok (Joyce Cheng), on the other hand, is also turning 30 soon, but leads a vastly different life. She has never been in love, and her job is taking her nowhere. And yet, she has always kept an optimistic attitude towards life. On the verge of her next chapter, she makes a bold decision to just pick up her bags and fulfill her childhood dream.
They have never met each other, and their personalities are night and day. But as fate would have it, Yeuk-Kwan makes a temporary move into Tin-Lok’s apartment. Through exploring Tin-Lok’s diary, Yeuk-Kwan not only discovers that they share the same birthday, but also learns about the bits and pieces of Tin-Lok’s life.

AIWFF Office


+81 52 962 2520

Closes on Mondays & National holiday.(Also closes on Tue. when a national holiday falls on Monday)

Aichi International Women's Film Festival Executive Committee Secretariat c/o
Aichi Gender Equality Foundation 1 Kamitatesugino-cho, Higashi-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 461-0016, JAPAN


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