• 2 Sep. Thu. 10:00 Will Hall
    3 Sep. Fri. 18:30 Midland Square Cinema
  • Drama
  • China / 2020 / 120 min
  • Director: CAO Jinling
  • Cast: WANG Chuanjun, Si Ligeng, Qi Xi
  • 38th Fajir International Film Festival – Outstanding Achievement – Cinematographer of the film– Eastern Vista
  • 23th Udine far East Film Festival – White Mulberry Award – Special Mention
After young Tutu kills a bear to save his little brothers life, he is considered an outcast as bears are sacred to the Lonki tribe. Years later Tutu and Linzi struggle to get by and work as lumberjacks near the forest hey grew up in. When they both fall for the same woman, it drives the brothers apart. While Linzi connects more and more with nature and the forest, Tutu chooses another path. Through their story, we experience the deep connection of all living things and witness the mysterious retribution wrought by nature on humans who wound it. The film gives us an opportunity to contemplate our relationship with Mother Earth.

Message from Director CAO Jinling.

Hello, everyone!
This is Cao, Jinling, the scriptwriter and the director of ANIMA.
It is such a great honour to be invited into AIWFF, and be selected as the opening film.
Our film is about a man and a forest, a lifetime story, to reflect the relationship between the nature and human beings.
I hope you will enjoy our film.
Now, I am recording myself in Tibet, a bird island at the highest altitude.
Wish our planet will get better, by us to protect and cherish our habitat.
Thank you all.

AIWFF Office


+81 52 962 2520

Closes on Mondays & National holiday.(Also closes on Tue. when a national holiday falls on Monday)

Aichi International Women's Film Festival Executive Committee Secretariat c/o
Aichi Gender Equality Foundation 1 Kamitatesugino-cho, Higashi-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 461-0016, JAPAN


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